Press release

  • Material Circulation
  • Recycling Plant

TBM cooperates with Yokosuka City to obtain ministerial certification under the "Plastic New Law"

- Commencement of batch collection and recycling of plastics at one of Japan's largest recycling plants -

TBM Co., Ltd., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, CEO: Nobuyoshi Yamasaki, hereinafter TBM) is a plastic recycling plan formulated with Yokosuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture, based on the Plastic material circulation Promotion Law (hereafter, the New Plastic Law). We are pleased to announce that we have obtained certification from the Minister of the Environment and the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry.

TBM promotes the use of LIMEX, a new environmentally friendly mechanical recycling made mainly of limestone, and LIMEX products. (Circurex)”, and through the business of material circulation coordination service “MaaR”, we are working on material circulation of used LIMEX products and plastic products. In addition, we have completed the Yokosuka Plant, which is the largest plastic recycling plant in Japan, and are working with Yokosuka City in Kanagawa Prefecture, which has declared itself a "Yokosuka City Zero Carbon City," to promote material circulation, including the formulation of a plastic recycling plan. We have been collaborating towards

As a result of receiving this certification, plastic waste discharged from Yokosuka City, in addition to plastic containers and packaging, which has been subject to separate collection until now, is product plastic waste that was previously collected and incinerated as combustible waste. are collected in bulk and mechanical recycling into recycled pellets at TBM's Yokosuka Plant. The factory has technology that automatically sorts collected LIMEX and plastics using near-infrared rays, and it is also possible to detect and sort plastics by material such as polypropylene and polyethylene. With the acquisition of this certification, we will develop a pioneering material circulation model both in Japan and overseas in order to realize a decarbonized society through material circulation recycling.


Since 1950, approximately 6.3 billion tons of plastic has been disposed of worldwide, of which approximately 79% is said to have landfilled or flowed into the natural environment *1. In Japan, about 7.1 million tons out of the total amount of about 8.22 million tons of waste plastics discharged in 2020 are effectively used, of which about 5.09 million tons are thermal recycling that uses the heat of combustion for power generation and hot water supply. (energy recovery), and combined with simple incineration, approximately 70% of all sorted and collected waste plastic is incinerated *2.

In light of the current situation where the recycling of plastics is not progressing, the new plastic law will be enforced in April 2022. Businesses that manufacture and sell products that use plastic are required to promote environmentally friendly design, streamline their use, and create systems for discharge, collection, and recycling of all plastic products called product plastics.

*1 Geyer, R., Jambeck, JR, & Law, KL (2017). Production, use, and fate of all plastics ever made *2 Current status of production, disposal, recycling, and disposal of plastic products in 2020 ( Japan Plastic Recycling Association)

About the recycling plan

Under the new plastic law, if the competent minister approves a recycling plan that a municipality has prepared independently or jointly with a business operator, it is possible to omit intermediate processing such as sorting by the municipality and outsource it to a recycling business operator. was given. In order to recycle plastic products that are currently being incinerated, we applied for certification of a recycling plan on December 8, 2022, and formulated a recycling plan in cooperation with Yokosuka City. Collected plastics are sorted, washed and recycled as pellets at TBM's Yokosuka Plant.

・Certification date December 19, 2022
・Plan period April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2026

About bulk plastic collection

In carrying out plastic recycling, we will collectively collect "containers and packaging plastic" and "product plastic" currently being disposed of as combustible waste. In addition, from November 2022, we are conducting a demonstration project targeting some model districts in preparation for full-scale implementation throughout the city.

・Start date April 1, 2023
・Plastic containers and packaging and product plastics (100% plastic materials) subject to collection

About cooperation with Yokosuka City

Currently, TBM is collaborating with Yokosuka City to start various initiatives to realize a decarbonized society by promoting material circulation. Recyclable LIMEX has already been adopted for environmental enlightenment free papers and gift certificates issued by Yokosuka City, and we have started collecting them in collection boxes. We are currently discussing with Yokosuka City about a more efficient collection system for LIMEX products. In addition, we are working with Yokosuka City to raise awareness about future material circulation initiatives and LIMEX products through tours of the Yokosuka Plant and visiting classes at elementary and junior high schools.

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