Sustainability Strategy

TBM has identified 12 material issues that should be addressed in order to contribute to solving environmental and social problems and continue to create value. In addition, we have established the Sustainability Committee chaired by the CEO for sustainability-related initiatives.


TBM defined materiality as "the most important issues that need to be resolved by 2030." We reviewed materiality from the perspective of both improving capabilities, which are the source of value creation and ultimately increasing corporate value, and the impact we aim to have on the environment and society.


Materiality 1: Developing an organization and people that can continue to take on challenges with all their might

To realize the world that TBM envisions, and to continue growing for hundreds of years to come, we believe that it is important to develop human resources and an organization that constantly strives for high goals. At the same time, we believe that by ensuring ethical business activities and financial soundness and building a business foundation, we can gain the trust of stakeholders and continue to take on new challenges.

Materiality 2: Achieving TBM Pledge 2030

In order to "Bridging today and the future we want.," TBM is working with customers and suppliers to solve environmental and social issues. Toward the realization of a carbon-free, circular society, we aim to achieve the TBM Pledge 2030 with innovation in technology, systems, and values.

Materiality identification process

While broadly referring to sustainability guidelines etc.* and incorporating matters mentioned in previous dialogues with stakeholders, we identified and assessed the environmental and social issues in which our company is involved in light of the above definition.
*Guidelines: SASB Materiality Finder, GRI, SDGs, ISO 26000, etc.


The "SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)" are 17 goals and 169 targets that were adopted at the United Nations Summit in September 2015 and are to be solved on a global scale by 2030. TBM aims to contribute to solving the social issues defined by the SDGs through its efforts in addressing materiality.

Sustainability Management System

In order to incorporate sustainability into both management decision-making and business execution, initiatives are promoted in close cooperation with the Sustainability Committee, Sustainability Division, and teams in each division, site, and theme.

Sustainability Committee

TBM has established a Sustainability Committee, chaired by the Chief Sustainability Officer (CSuO), as an advisory body to the CEO, and important initiatives related to promoting sustainability are discussed and reported to the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors, and are advanced under the judgment of the Executive Committee and the supervision of the Board of Directors. External advisors also attend the Sustainability Committee to provide advice and recommendations regarding sustainability management in general.

  • Main topics discussed recently
  • Establishment and operation of an environmental management system
  • Monitoring the sustainability goals of the TBM Pledge 2030
  • Initiatives to contribute to reducing GHG emissions
  • Review of materiality

Sustainability Lab

Sustainability Lab is held for TBM members who want to learn more about sustainability and work on it. As of November 2022, a total of 87 people have participated in the Lab.

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