
A summary of TBM's sustainability documents and endorsement initiatives.


TBM Code of Conduct

In order to remain a company that society expects to exist, TBM has established the "TBM Code of Conduct" which defines the matters that all directors, executive officers and employees must comply with in their daily business activities. This code was established by a resolution of the Board of Directors on January 13, 2017.

TBM Environmental Policy

In order to pass on a sustainable society and rich natural environment to future generations, TBM will continue to strive to achieve net zero environmental impact in its value chain and to solve environmental and social issues through its business. This policy was established following a resolution by the Board of Directors on January 14, 2022.

TBM Human Rights Policy

TBM recognizes that its business activities may affect the human rights of various stakeholders inside and outside the company, and is committed to conducting responsible and sustainable business activities. This policy was established through a resolution of the Board of Directors on May 15, 2024.

D&I Policy

In order to bring about a Sustainability Revolution through innovation that changes the world, "Diversity & Inclusion", which aims to create an environment in which members with diverse personalities and experiences respect each other's "differences" and can work energetically, is indispensable.

TBM Procurement Policy

TBM regards its suppliers as important and equal partners, and aims to build sustainable relationships with high transparency based on mutual trust and cooperation, and contribute together to the realization of a sustainable society. This policy was established through a resolution of the Board of Directors on May 15, 2024.

Privacy Policy

As a company that handles a large amount of personal information through the sale of business cards and other products, we have established a policy regarding the protection of personal information. This policy was established through a resolution of the Board of Directors on April 1, 2015.


Climate Change

The Climate Pledge

The Climate Pledge is a group of companies pledging to reach net zero carbon by 2040, ten years ahead of the Paris Agreement. It was jointly launched by Amazon and Global Optimism in 2019. TBM is a signatory company.


SBTi is an international climate change initiative jointly established in 2015 by the United Nations Global Compact, CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project), WRI (World Resources Institute) and WWF (World Wildlife Fund) and is promoting the setting of greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets that are consistent with the relevant scientific knowledge. TBM has obtained "1.5℃ target" certification from SBTi.

Japan Climate Leaders Partnership (JCLP)

JCLP is a Japanese corporate group established in 2009 based on the recognition that the industries should have a sense of urgency and take proactive actions in order to realize a sustainable decarbonized society. By leading the transition to a decarbonized society, we aim to become a company that society demands. TBM is a member company.

Japan Climate Initiative (JCI)

JCI is a network of various entities other than national governments, such as companies, local governments, organizations, and NGOs that are actively working on climate change countermeasures. TBM is a participating organization.

OSAKA Zero Carbon Foundation

The OSAKA Zero Carbon Foundation works with members throughout Osaka Prefecture, Osaka Prefecture, local governments, etc. to carry out a wide range of activities that contribute to the SDGs and decarbonization in relation to global environmental constraints. We aim to contribute to the realization of a sustainable economy and society. We will work together with various stakeholders to promote initiatives aimed at a sustainable decarbonized society, such as the realization of the Osaka Blue Ocean Vision and initiatives aimed at achieving net zero CO2 emissions by 2050. TBM is a board member.


Circular Economy Partnership (J4CE)

As the movement toward a circular economy accelerates worldwide, J4CE aims to foster greater understanding of and promote efforts toward a circular economy among a wide range of stakeholders, including domestic companies, by strengthening public-private partnerships. purpose. Established in 2021 by the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and Keidanren. TBM is a participating company.

Clean Ocean Material Alliance (CLOMA)

CLOMA aims to solve the problem of marine plastic waste, which is a new global environmental issue, by developing and introducing innovative alternatives that lead to more sustainable use of plastic products and reduction of plastic waste. They plan and promote the activities of the business community as a whole, transcending the boundaries of the industry, and aims to be a base for promoting sustainable development through materials through joint efforts of the public and private sectors. TBM is a member.

Kanagawa Zero Plastic Waste Declaration

Kanagawa Prefecture, an SDGs future city, is working on the marine pollution, especially the problem of microplastics, as a concrete initiative for the SDGs aiming for a sustainable society. We aim to achieve zero plastic waste as soon as possible by 2030. TBM is a supporting company.

Kanagawa Upcycling Consortium (only in Jappanese)

Kanagawa Prefecture and TBM are promoting the creation of a mechanism for upcycling (mechanical recycling) using LIMEX. This consortium will promote the upcycle model originating in Kanagawa with the participation of various partners such as governments, schools, and organizations.

Saitama Prefecture Platform for Promoting Sustainable Use of Plastic Resources

The Saitama Prefectural Platform for the Promotion of Sustainable Use of Plastic Resources is a group of businesses, municipalities, consumer groups, etc. that work on the recycling and reduction of plastic resources in order to reduce the amount of plastic waste and promote the recycling of plastic resources. It has been constructed. TBM is a member.

Yokosuka City Marine Plastic Waste Countermeasure Action Declaration

On September 15, 2020, Yokosuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture announced the "Marine Plastic Litter Countermeasures Action Declaration" in order to protect the rich sea of Yokosuka as "Marine City Yokosuka". TBM is a supporting business.


Japan Water Forum

The Japan Water Forum is a certified NPO that aims to solvng water problems in Japan and overseas. They have four pillars in their initiative:  (i) recommendations on policies, (ii) support of grassroots activities such as improving water and sanitation environments in developing countries, (iii) communication of the technology and experience cultivated in Japan, and (iv) capacity building. TBM is a group member.

Water Project

The Water Project is a project to maintain and restore a sound water cycle launched by the Ministry of the Environment with the aim of deepening public understanding and interest in water, creating opportunities for mutual cooperation, and promoting a wide range of nationwide initiatives. They focus on (i) proactive, voluntary, and proactive activities by the private sector and (2) public-private partnerships. TBM is a participating company.

LCA and Others

LCA Society of Japan (JLCA)

JLCA is a platform that brings together people involved in life cycle assessment (LCA) in Japan from industry, academia, and national and public research institutes. TBM is a member (general company).

LCA Promotion Consortium

The LCA Promotion Consortium aims to create a mechanism for industry and other stakeholders to contribute to the reduction of environmental impacts towards the realilation of a sustainable society by providing AIST's technology, knowledge, and a forum for discussion on the environmental impact assessment method (LCA) that considers the life cycle and value chain. TBM is a small business member.

Sustainable Management Promotion Organization (SuMPO)

SuMPO is a general incorporated association established with the aim of realizing sustainable business management through support for planning, execution, evaluation, improvement, etc. of new business models that lead to solving social issues such as global environmental problems. TBM is a regular member.

Green Purchasing Network (GPN)

The GPN was originally established in 1996 as a loose network of companies, governments, private organizations, etc. that take the initiative in green purchasing. It recognizes that green purchasing plays an important role in forming a market for environmentally friendly products, promotes the development of environmentally friendly products, and is an extremely effective means of contributing to the construction of a sustainable society. TBM is a member.

City Lab Ventures

City Lab Ventures is a community of sustainability-focused venture companies. Based in "City Lab Tokyo" since April 19, 2019, we have been developing activities with the aim of creating a sustainable society and realizing business growth. TBM is the founder company.

Impact Startup Association (ISA)

Impact startup refers to a business entity that aims to achieve both “solution of social issues” and “sustainable growth”. ISA is a community that aims to build an impact startup ecosystem and realize a sustainable society. TBM is a member company.

Japan Heart (Specified non-profit organization)

Japan Heart is an international medical NGO originating in Japan established in 2004 by Dr. Hideto Yoshioka (a pediatric surgeon) based on his own long experience in overseas medical care, with the aim of further improving the quality of medical support activities. TBM is a supporting company.

ONE EARTH GUARDIANS, The University of Tokyo

ONE EARTH GUARDIANS is a program launched by the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences of the University of Tokyo to foster scientists with the "power of involvement," the people needed to create a world where humans can coexist with everything else on earth 100 years from now. TBM is a supporting company.

Learn more

Sustainbility Report 2024

This site provides information on TBM's philosophy and efforts towards realizing a sustainable society.

Times Bridge Media | Sustainability

It is an owned media that conveys the culture and behind-the scenes of TBM through interviews with our members.

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