Last updated: May 1, 2024

LIMEX Pellet

LIMEX Pellet, whose main raw material is calcium carbonate (limestone), is a material that can be used as a substitute for plastic. It is manufactured by heating and mixing calcium carbonate powder, polyolefin thermoplastic resin, and various additives, and cutting the uniformly dispersed composite material into uniform sizes and shapes. Like general plastic pellets, it can be used in a variety of molding methods and can be used with existing equipment.

As an alternative to petroleum-based plastics

Compared to conventional petroleum-based plastics, "LIMEX Pellet" can significantly reduce the amount of petroleum used, contributing to the conservation of limited petroleum resources. It also makes it possible to reduce CO2 emissions throughout the entire lifecycle, from procurement of raw materials to disposal. The main raw material, limestone, has a more stable supply and less price fluctuation than petroleum-based plastics, making it possible to provide it at a stable price.

"LIMEX Pellet" can be easily mechanical recycling in existing recycling facilities just like single materials, so we offer "LIMEX R Pellet" made by re-pelletizing scraps generated during the manufacturing process of "LIMEX Sheet", and "LIMEX UP Pellet" made by re-pelletizing used LIMEX products. In addition, for bag products, we have developed a material called "Bio LIMEX" that replaces petroleum-based plastic with plant-derived plastic. We are working to visualize and reduce the environmental impact that occurs during the product life cycle through LCA (Life Cycle Assessment).

Here, we will concretely present detailed data on the environmental performance of PET bottles in comparison with various petroleum-based plastics, such as greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions including CO2 throughout the entire product life cycle (from raw material procurement to disposal) and the amount of petroleum-based plastics used.

• Calculation method: life cycle inventory
• Inventory database (main reference for emission intensity): LCI database IDEA version 2.2 (2018/01/18) ・IDEA version 2.3 (2019/12/27) ・version 3.2.0 (2022/04/15)| IDEA Lab, Safety Science Research Division, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology | Sustainable Management Organization (SuMPO)
• Impact assessment method: Climate change IPCC 2013 GWP 100a

Comparison with other companies' products is not possible. |It is a calculated value when manufactured under specific manufacturing conditions and is not a guaranteed value. |The amount of plastic reduction does not include losses during manufacturing.

Environmental performance of LIMEX Pellet by molding application

LIMEX Pellet can be used in a variety of molding methods, including inflation, vacuum, injection, and blow molding, and comes in a wide variety of grades with different physical properties to suit your desired application. (GHG emissions during the molding stage are not included here as the figures vary depending on the product being molded.)

GHG emissions

[Calculation conditions]
• Functional unit: 1 kg pellets (including undiluted MB)
• Scope: [raw material procurement/pelletization] - [transportation] - [disposal]
• Transportation: 300 km of truck transportation in Japan is assumed. Marine transportation is also included for overseas manufactured products.
• Disposal: Assumed to be incinerated as general waste *The molding process is not considered
• Calculation year: 2022 and 2023

Reduction of petroleum-based plastics

Reduction rate [%] = (LIMEX product - comparison product)/comparison product*100

Environmental performance as a plastic alternative

We compared greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and petroleum-based plastics reductions throughout the life cycle (from the raw material procurement stage to disposal) of each product molded with LIMEX Pellet with existing plastic products.

Thermoforming product

GHG emissions

[Calculation conditions]
• Functional unit: 1 drinking cup (14.4g by LIMEX)
• Scope: [raw material procurement/pellet manufacturing] - [sheeting] - [vacuum forming] - [disposal]
• Molding: The load during molding is assumed to be the same as PPF
• Disposal: Assumed to be incinerated as general waste
• Calculation year: 2022

Reduction of petroleum-based plastics

Reduction rate [%] = (LIMEX product - comparison product)/comparison product*100

Blown film molding products

GHG emissions

[Calculation conditions]
• Functional unit: 1 shopping bag (5.8g by LIMEX)
• Scope: [raw material procurement/pellet manufacturing] - [molding] - [transportation] - [disposal]
• Disposal: Assumed to be incinerated as general waste
• Calculation year: 2019

Reduction of petroleum-based plastics

Reduction rate [%] = (LIMEX product - comparison product)/comparison product*100

Injection molded product

GHG emissions

[Calculation conditions]
• Functional unit: 1 flowerpot (1.51kg made by LIMEX)
• Scope: [raw material procurement/pellet manufacturing] - [injection molding] - [transportation] - [disposal]
• Transportation: LIMEX only Considering Vietnam → Japan marine transportation
• Molding: The load during molding is assumed to be the same as PP.
• Disposal: Assume incineration as general waste.
• Calculation year: 2022

Reduction of petroleum-based plastics

Reduction rate [%] = (LIMEX product - comparison product)/comparison product*100

blow molding

GHG emissions

[Calculation conditions]
• Functional unit: 1 bottle (manufactured by LIMEX: 75g/bottle)
• Scope: [Pellet procurement/manufacturing - blow molding - disposal]
• Disposal: Assume incineration as general waste.
*The impact of blow molding is assumed to be the same for LIMEX based on HDPE.
* Evaluate the simplified process flow by grasping the key points of the supply chain
• Calculation year: 2023

Reduction of petroleum-based plastics

Reduction rate [%] = (LIMEX product - comparison product)/comparison product*100

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions through recycling

Greehouse gas (GHG) emissions throughout the life cycle of LIMEX products can be significantly reduced by mechanically recycling instead of incineration.

GHG emissions

[Calculation conditions]
• Functional unit: 1 drinking cup (14.4g by LIMEX)
• Scope: [raw material procurement/pellet manufacturing] - [sheeting] - [vacuum forming] - [disposal]
• Disposal: Assumed to be bale
• Calculation year: 2022

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