Press release

  • Lime Air Bag

"LimeAir Bag", a plastic bag containing about 25% limestone, has been adopted as a garbage bag used at the food factory of Warabeya Nichiyo Holdings.

TBM Co., Ltd., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, CEO: Nobuyoshi Yamasaki, hereinafter referred to as TBM)'s plastic bag "LimeAir Bag" containing about 25% limestone is used by Warabeya Nichiyo Holdings Co., Ltd. Headquarters: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, President: Hideo Tsuji, Warabeya Nichiyo Holdings) has been adopted for the garbage bags used in its food factories.

The petroleum-based Bag, a plastic bag containing approximately 25% limestone, is lighter than general polyethylene bags. It is expected to reduce annual consumption by approximately 28% and greenhouse gas emissions, including CO2, by approximately 22% *1. In the future, TBM will promote environmentally friendly measures in various factories through the sale of LimeAir Bags, not limited to food.

*1 Estimated by TBM (procurement of raw materials to incineration). These values are not guaranteed values and may vary depending on manufacturing conditions.

Three features of LimeAir Bag

Feature 1 Reduced use of petroleum-based plastics

The LimeAir Bag uses up to 34% less petroleum-based-based plastic compared to polyethylene bags.


Feature 2 Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions including CO2

Compared to polyethylene bags, the LimeAir Bag can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including CO2, by up to 29% over the entire life cycle (raw material procurement - pellet manufacturing - molding - transportation - disposal [incineration]).


Feature 3 Achieved weight reduction with air gap control technology

By kneading and stretching polyethylene resin and limestone (calcium carbonate), air layers (voids) are created around the calcium carbonate grains. By controlling the air gap, the LimeAir Bag achieves a maximum weight reduction of about 10% compared to polyethylene bags.


Press release (PDF for download)