TBM Human Rights Policy

TBM is committed to responsible and sustainable business practices to continue to be a company that society wants to exist for the realization of its corporate philosophy. TBM recognizes that its business activities may impact the human rights of various internal and external stakeholders and has established the TBM Human Rights Policy (hereinafter referred to as "The Policy") based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. TBM promotes business activities in accordance with The Policy and expects its suppliers and business partners to understand and adhere to this policy.


The Policy applies to all board directors, executive officers, and employees of TBM Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries. The subsidiaries shall establish their own human rights policy by adopting or revising The Policy at their decision-making body, ensuring that their board directors, executive officers, and employees fully understand the provisions of the human rights policy.
Each subsidiary may enact their own human rights policy, incorporating the contents of The Policy. Such human rights policy may vary in accordance with legal systems and social customs by country or region, or business characteristics, or may include provisions that do not exist in The Policy. Under no circumstances, however, may they contradict the provisions of or weaken the effectiveness of The Policy.
When a subsidiary establishes their own human rights policy, it shall expressly stipulate that the human rights policy has been developed based on or with reference to the “TBM Human Rights Policy.”

1. Respect for International Standards and Compliance with Laws

TBM respects human rights as stipulated in the “International Bill of Human Rights” and the "Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work" by the International Labour Organization (ILO). TBM complies with human rights-related laws applicable in the countries and regions where we operate. In the event that there is a conflict between internationally recognized human rights and the laws and regulations of each country or region, we will seek ways to respect international standards of human rights to the greatest extent possible.

2. Implementation of Human Rights Due Diligence

TBM conducts human rights due diligence in accordance with the United Nations “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights” to identify and address any negative impacts on human rights.

3. Remedy

TBM commits to take appropriate measures to remediate any adverse impact on human rights which TBM clearly caused or contributed to.

4. Education

TBM provides appropriate training and education to our board directors, executive officers, and employees to effectively integrate The Policy into our business operations.

5. Disclosure

TBM discloses the results of its efforts to respect human rights through our website and other means.

6. Engagement with Stakeholders

TBM seeks to improve our human rights efforts by utilizing the expertise of external organizations and engaging with relevant stakeholders.

7. Key Human Rights Issues

  1. Prohibition of Discrimination and Harassment
    TBM respects the diversity of gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, family status, origin, disability, illness, language, nationality, ethnicity, and religion among others, and prohibits all forms of discrimination and harassment.
  2. Prohibition of Forced and Child Labor
    TBM does not tolerate forced labor or child labor and expects its suppliers and business partners to eradicate such practices.
  3. Establishment of a Safe and Healthy Work Environment
    TBM ensures a safe and hygienic work environment so that its employees can work with peace of mind.

Established on May 15th, 2024