Press release

  • TBM

Stevie Asia Pacific Awards Gold Award for "New Product/Product Management" and "Corporate/Organization"

In the 2017 (4th) Stevie Asia-Pacific Awards, a business award program that evaluates the world's top-class innovations in the business world across all regions of Asia-Pacific, our company was selected as the "New Product & Product Management Category." We are pleased to announce that we have received the Gold Award (Gold Award) in the "Corporate/Organization Category".

The Stevie Asia Pacific Awards is one of seven programs organized by The Stevie Awards (based in Washington, DC, USA). The Stevie Awards, established in 2002, honor companies and organizations around the world that have actively contributed to society over the past 14 years, including the International Business Awards and the National Business Awards, which are called the Academy Awards of the business world. doing.

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